So I have of course been getting the most from the wonder phone over the past few days and I think I have learned most of the main functions of it. Of course, being a smart phone, I can load on new applications whenever I like so the functionality can of course be extended greatly.
Here is the home screen, lookin' good.

The first thing I did was see how hard it was to link up to my home network over the WiFi. Easy-peasy. I just click on the connections from the main screen and I get this menu, allowing me to turn on and off the various radios in the device. WiFi, Bluetooth, and phone. The phone found my home network and prompted me for the WEP security code. Once the code was accepted and connected, this is saved as a profile and will connect automatically in future.
By using the local wireless connection, I can do things like use the internet on the phone without using up any of my costly cell phone minutes. I am on a prepaid plan with O2, so I don't really want to need to buy a bunch of minutes because I am playing around. Mobile internet is neat, but not that practical yet. I have just tried google and checked the weather. I need to figure out what mobile sites are actually useful. I just learned that you can shop Amazon over the mobile web, so I may give that a try sometime.

Next I tried dialing. A neat thing is that even the dialing is "smarter" than on a normal phone. If I key in 263, the phone displays a list of all the contacts in my book containing 263 in the phone number or in the name (letters on the keys.) In this case of course 263 is AND and gets all the Andersons to come up. I scrolled down and clicked on myself and you can see that it pulled up my contact with all numbers to choose from and of course my handsome face looking out.

The phone synchronizes with my outlook, including all email inbox and calendar appointments. I like this a lot since I have a lot of crap in my calendar that I don't want to have to look in my laptop to remember. It carries over all of the alarms and reminders as well so I won't forget any of that important stuff.

Finally, I tried playing video on the phone. I imported a television show and then saw what the results were like. Better than I expected, although I think I still need to play around with the video encoding settings to make sure everything is optimal as far as audio and video goes.

The next things I will be checking out will be the music playback and voice command functions on the phone. Sorry to anyone reading who is not interested in my new phone, but that is the thing that is keeping me busy the last few days, so you will need to bear with me until it is out of my system.