Monday, July 09, 2007

The Music Fan

On the weekend, Liam saw me wearing my headphones and listening to music and he really wanted to get in the game himself. He had no clue that there would be any sound coming through these things, he just saw them as an interesting hat.

He did seem to like the music once it was on his head. Once he learned there was more to this than an amusing hat, he wanted to keep them on and hear the songs. Judging by his reactions, it seems Liam would give the following musical reviews:

Kirsty MacColl - Good, got smiles
The Lightning Seeds - A look of confusion
Guillemots - Happiness returns, smiling boy
Baby Bird - More smiles

Then the music became less interesting and he wanted to see Bob the Builder.


Anonymous said...

I think I can speak on behalf of a few of your friends and ask why you didn't play any Morrissey?

Fraser Anderson said...

Well, sorry to admit, I do not at this moment have any Morrissey or Smiths on my ipod.

Liam did just have the "shuffle" running and got some random tracks.

I will make sure to expose him to the Smiths at the earliest convenience. But do keep in mind that I am not a Morrissey fanatic like you fools.

I was always more of a Stone Roses fan.

Anonymous said...

ponter is really the big fan, but he can't access your site from work anymore

Fraser Anderson said...

I thought the level of comments about Dave had dropped lately.

I hope Ponter finds the time from home to check in and profess his love of Mr Crawford from time to time.