A word of advice to anyone with a little kid. When the noise stops, you know there is trouble. Silence is the main indicator that they have found something very interesting that requires full concentration. It is almost always something bad.
To his credit, this is very very good pudding. I was a little annoyed he ate the last one. It was mine.
like father like son.
i had a similar problem with dave lamb (my 1st year roommate). i left him alone and he drank my tang.
Twice as I recall
"It was mine" he says...
Umm..no, as a relatively new father you're just finding out that nothing is yours... in fact you come last now. That's why people get pets so they have SOMEBODY to be superior to. :)
I sooo understand that I am low man on the totem pole for so many things. When he gets old enough to start taking away my computer time then things will be getting serious.
That's so true about when the noise stops...
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