I also have come to learn some interesting things about the internet... how putting some uncommon words, especially regarding product names, can result in people finding their way over from google. Back when I purchased my exciting new HP phone, I generated all kinds of traffic since there was not a lot out there on the internet at the time.
Here is a breakdown of the traffic to this page by country.

Canada - Clearly fueled by friends and family. Thanks dudes. There are still a few surprises in there too though... like the 9 hits from North Bay. I have no idea who that would be, but rock on northern types. |
USA - I was a little surprised to see USA ahead of Germany, but combining some extended family with some friends with a huge amount of google users ended up putting this one here. Interestingly, I seem to get the most hits from New York City, where they are 100% new visitors and they never return. So New York Googlers seem to like search terms that resonate here. |
Germany - This is what I thought would come second, again due to friends and family, but they only generate 50% of the hits that the US does. |
Switzerland - Thank you Joneses. Although, apparently someone in "Worb" is a returning visitor. A place I have never heard of until just now. Hello Worb. |
Australia - This is a great one, since 97% of the hits are from search engines and they never come back. Amazingly, I share a name with an Australian singer and a New Zealand born Rugby player. Even MORE AMAZING... The Rugby player played for the Brisbane Broncos... I play hockey for the Stuttgart Broncos. Sorry googlers, you want to go here. |
United Kingdom - More friends and Family here. |
Japan - I will go out on a limb and guess it is just Mike. |
Netherlands - A mystery... I know nobody here.... |
Spain - or here... |
Italy - or here.... There are still lots of little places that pop up with just one visit here and there, Brazil, Iran, Turkey, all kinds of places, even one from Iceland. A place I always wanted to go visit, hello Reykjavik! |
I am a proud Canadian who supports your blog Fraser. I think our stats would be higher if Ponter was able to blog from his office.
Canada is clearly leading the way, but that is not really a surprise...
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