I have not taken any new photos and I have really got nothing to talk about this week. I guess the biggest upcoming project is that we met with the garden builder to finally finish our back yard. If the rain stays off (big if) he could start as early as next week.
I will be very happy when the dirt hill is gone and we have a backyard we can actually use.
Of course, it is just opening up a world of yard work for me, but with a yard not much bigger than a typical living room, I think I will be able to manage it.
I have also been trying to come up with a place to have our little get together next month in Canada. I want a place where we can reserve a certain amount of space for our group, and that has food and drinks. I recently thought of "The Peel Pub" which we used for a party once in the past. However that was almost 10 years ago and I am not sure about what it is like these days.
If anyone has a suggestion, it would certainly make things easier on me!
To make sure this is not an image free post, here are some photos of rhinoceros.

kwl rhino
I hate to be the one to break the news, but the Peel Pub is no more; it was replaced by Philthy McNasty's (no, I'm not kidding, that's the name).
Depending on the weather, we might be able to find some nice patios (the Pilot, Remy's, Oasis).
Gord has suggested the Beer Bistro, looks nice enough on their web page.
I am not sure if I should book the event room (deposit$$$) or just reserve a big spot in the restaurant.
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