Ok, so I was finally on the way home when I returned to San Diego airport and saw this great sign. I know it is blurry, my fault. The text reads "All comments regarding guns and bombs are taken seriously. Please no jokes." I like that people are so very stupid that a GIANT sign like this is needed.

My next stop was Chicago O'Hare, and it was my first visit to this mighty hub. One of the first things I saw after disembarking was a Dinosaur skeleton. rather odd:

Then I had to change to another "concourse" which was in the same terminal, but took me on a long long walk beneath a funky looking neon tunnel. It looks like this part of the airport was quite modern and fairly recently renovated. Despite that, I could not find a working payphone for about 20 min.

I had about 3.5 hours to kill here and I was fairly hungry for lunch, so I got to sample yet more airport food. O'Hare has a lot of food outlets, but they are basically the same ones repeated every 5 metres or so. McDonald's, Quizno's, Regio's Pizza, and Starbucks. I went for a mini deep dish pizza since that is what Chicago is famous for. It was decent, but not the best I have had. Call me a heretic, but I liked Pizza hut better for deep dish, and I prefer the super thin crust pizza better in general. Perhaps I am too long in Europe, where there are all sorts of odd pizzas. Yesterday my cafeteria had pizza with sliced boiled egg on top. I did not go for that one.
I'm amazed at how nice a lot of major airports are.
I've been in some countries where the airport is pretty dismal (Mongolia and China come to mind).
You should post a picture of Dave.
Soon will come pictures of Dave....
I am first blowing through my airport adventures.
I want more pictures of Dave.
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