In case any of you old WH players are reading this, remember if you will our respective (and mostly unpainted) armies:
Fraser - Chaos (evil)
Bill - Skaven (rat men)
Scott - Dwarfs
Kelvin - Elves
Dave - Orcs & Goblins
Sandy - Chaos (a different evil)
I think we met at least once a week for some sort of "mass battle" which was not really even how the game was intended. It really was supposed to be a 2-player game, but normally we had these multi-player free for alls or did some sort of team arrangement.
Anyway, my point is this... Warhammer does still exist, but I no longer have the community, time, nor money to invest in this hobby. But a NEW game from a different company has just come out:

YAY for Battle Lore. This is a table top board game that depicts a tactical level battle between two players. The time period is set around the 100 years war (England vs. France) but then throws in a fantasy element of Dwarves and Goblins and Monsters. A single battle can be fought in less than an hour (compared to our multi day warhammer binges) and everything you need to play comes in the box, no more endless visits to the game store for just one more miniature.
Here is the set up:

Anyway, I was just excited by this, and in case any of my old gaming friends are reading this, you should also pick up a copy of this very exciting game.
You need help.
I fully embrace that I am a huge geek. Don't knock the fun and enjoyment that board games can bring.
It is far better doing the social fun that is gaming that parking your butt on the couch and watching some banal TV show.
I bet I have some games in my cupboard that you would enjoy Mr. Ponter.
Board games are fun. I have now found that Warcraft makes a card game similar to Magic.
I think Ponter would like Life (the boardgame) and perhaps Twister.
There is a WOW boardgame:
a WOW cardgame:
and also a normal warcraft boardgame:
Dave, you also played Magic cards with us in school. You would embrace board gaming, even if it is not WOW.
I want to play Wow cardgames too. I hope I get the pack that has the special "Dave Crawford, Level 51 Palladin Warrior" in it. That would be the best card possible. can someone be a Palladin Warior? That's two different classes.
Someone needs to be poaned.
I want to play naked twister with Dave. He is my Level 51 Palladin Warrior.
What is Poaned? Do you mean PWNED?
Silly gaming rookie.
I was writing in phonetically for non-gamers.
I just assumed it was a typo and was suppose to be a 'b'.
I am a gaming virgin.
you tell me that I need help?
Look in the mirror crazy people
fraser, we will play, and you will destroy me...again. my army education is no match for your game playing prowess. what i really want to know is, can i ever win at the train game? a victory here seems to escape me and i cannot get over it.
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