Here is the hallway, with ungrouted tiles:
So right now all of the walls are white, but I think we will paint them. The big question is which colours to use? What goes best with a terracotta/reddish-brown floor?
Since this is a downstairs floor, I think the walls should be a light a colour as possible so that it does not feel closed in and cave-like, but I am not too sure what colours actually go best with this floor. I welcome any suggestions from the more decorative minded than myself.
One funny thing is that in order to get this floor in, we had to move EVERYTHING into the storage room to free up the floor space. This storage room is literally filled wall to wall with boxes, furniture, and miscellaneous junk. Here is a view in the door...
That's a lot of stuff!
I was going to suggest an aqa blue for the walls, but it would be pretty dark and bold.
too dark I think.
Since this is a below ground level, and the only light coming in is from the back window, I am worried that a dark colour will make it feel like you are in a cave.
Pale colours are the answer, but which...
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