Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Getting ready for the big Drive

Lately Liam has a big love of the car. I was getting things ready to drive down to Geneva to visit the Joneses and I had the door left open to let the heat out, when a little shape darted past me and hopped into what he believes to be his rightful place.

He climbs right into the driver's seat and then tries to do what Daddy does when he is sitting there. He wiggles the levers and turns the wheel. He has thankfully not figured out the horn just yet, but he does know how to work the hazard blinkers, which are a source of great amusement.

Liam was a very good boy for the drive down and back, there was no complaining and lots of sleeping. The only time we really heard some peeps out of him was when he was asking for something to eat or drink. I was really expecting the worst with him back there bored and yelling at me. However he had Bobby and the other bears to keep him amused and all was well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see grand prix in the future.