Here is a view of my glorious workspace with its new monitor:

In all seriousness, it is a pretty great monitor and I wish I had another one for the house. Although, if I have to pay my own real money for an LCD, I think I would get one that is 16:9 format, which sadly HP does not offer as far as I know. I dearly want to get a new computer, but given the priority of spending, I really doubt that I will be buying one for at least another year or so. Too many other costly projects like front and back yards... basement finishing... flooring the attic...
Ugh, one little lottery win would be welcome around now. I am not greedy, I don't need the Euro-millions jackpot, just enough to get all these little "projects" done. Oh, and maybe a new car.... or two... and a solid gold hat.
Fraser, I thought HP went to the 'officeless office' concept where you don't actually have your own office?
I am an exception. I have a fixed desk since my job has specific hardware requirements.
I have 2 computers and 2 network connections at my desk, so I am one of the lucky ones with a non-flex desk.
I do work from home regular enough though. I have a 10mbit DSL at the house so it is plenty fast enough for most work things.
Why don't you have a walled office with Rich Mohagany bookcases, since you are the Assistant Secretary to Board for JH Distributors,LLC?
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