One day on an outing, we stopped for lunch and I saw there were "hot dogs" on the snack bar menu. Always enjoying a comparison to things I know well (and I know hot dogs!) I got one. The first and most obvious thing is that it is not on a hot dog bun as I know it. It is a mini baguette, which is also quite nice, although much more firm and stiff than the traditional bun. Rather than slice this bun, they cut off the top like a little hat, then impale it on a spike and insert the wiener in this newly made hole. The only toppings available were Ketchup and Mustard, which they put in the bread hole first. Then the hat goes back on the bread and you get your "hot dog"

First thing I did to eat this was take the hat off. It was tasty in its own right. The wiener inside was pretty much a hot dog wiener, and much more like a hot doag than what the Germans will give you. In Germany they just give you a Debreziner sausage and call it a hot dog, although the taste is totally different. here is my "hatless" dog.

On the whole, I will give it a thumbs up, the bread was different but good, and the sausage was hot-doggish. The lack of toppings was also a bit of a let down. I think I prefer my Toronto "street meat" when you can pile on onions, cheese, bacon bits, mayo, sauerkraut and a myriad of other toppings.
Ryan also enjoyed his hot dog, washed down with the wierd orange Sinalco drink that I only see in Switzerland.

I plan to contact the Swiss tourist board and advise them that these are proper hot dogs:

I will also point out that they should everyone working there dress like hot dogs to promote the greatness of this lunch time treat, how cool would me and Liam look like this:

That is one tasty looking hotdog.
Sadly, you can no longer get cheese on your hotdogs in Toronto.
Health inspectors felt cheese left sitting out in the open air at 30c for hours and hours was a bit unhealthy.
cowards. Cheese made them extra good.
I just looked at my blog again and it made me hungry. I soooo wish I had a hot dog right now.
I also wish I was dressed as a hot dog right now.
You should post a picture of Mustard Man (aka Nug).
It would go well with your hot dog.
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