On the weekend, Liam had it in his head to play with mummy's electric toothbrush, which mummy handed over without a problem. He has done this before, and liked to run around with it while it made such exciting whirring noises. He wandered off on his own waving the brush around, making his happy chirping noises. This time, though, Liam decided to remove the brush part to see what was underneath.
It turns out there is a nice pointed piece of metal underneath.
Now the toothbrush still runs fine with only this piece of metal exposed... and Liam continued to play with it. In fact, it was even better like this, since now it looks and sounds just like..... Daddy's drill! wow, Liam can be just like daddy with this device, and what does daddy drill? The wall of course.
So, there were some lessons learned by all on this day. And here is how I spent the afternoon:
The joys of parenthood. Thankfully it was just a wall and he didn't hurt himself.
Now that is funny
You have let him repair it as well, I'd like to see those results.
Well, what can you do, we were not watching him close enough and he made his own fun.
I figure it is only a matter of time until he finds my tools and saws through the legs of all the chairs or something.
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