This did not happen again, but I was recently on the bus and the infamous sign was back. This time I had my camera with me so I took a picture of it. I walked on to the bus clearly wearing my ipod, not having seen the sign at first, and the driver did not even make a peep. I think that it is one of those rules that is selectively enforced, most likely so the drivers can make kids with bass thumping music stop annoying everyone.
I am listening to talk radio/podcasts at a low volume with in-canal earphones, so there is ZERO sound getting out to the other passengers. I feel fully justified in my stance of ignoring this sign. I don't see any warning of consequences, so it is not like much will happen.

Since the move, I no longer have to ride the bus anyway. It is trains the whole commute! Hooray for trains and no more jerk buses.
Your stance in admirable. It reminds me a bit of 'Office Space'.
Stick it to'em.
I love that movie. It speaks to me on so many levels.
Mr. Anderson, where is the cover sheet on your TPS report?
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