He saw me with them the other day and desperately wanted to try them him out himself so I stuck them on to see what would happen. They were not actually plugged in to anything, so there was no sound whatsoever coming through them, but that did not really seem to bother him in the least. In fact it made them like a sort of fun hat for him and he seemed to like that even more.
What is even better is that there is a plug dangling from the other end. This plug begs to be played with, and Liam has fully answered the call to arms. He spent at least 30 min yesterday plugging and unplugging it from holes in my desk and chair. He does not mind at all that nothing happens... I just have to watch him to make sure he does not plug it someplace dangerous. All of the outlets are child-proofed, but he is canny enough that I don't think any child-proofing will hold him back once he gets determined.
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