Things I learned in France:
1) France has lots of black people. living in Germany, you can quickly forget that there are black people in the world, since I only see one here about once a month. The big non-german population here is either from eastern Europe, or Turkey, and they are all basically white people. France was much more diverse, with lots of africans, arabs, asians... It was very different to again be in such a cosmopolitan city. It was most evident in the variety of restaurants to choose from. Germany is lagging far behind.
2) French people are not as horrible as I recall. I was on my own for 3 of the 4 days in paris and my French is very very basic, but I had no trouble getting around and interacting with people when it was needed. If you start off with one or two words in French, the were very willing to help me out.
3) My brain has two languages "English" and "not English." When I tried to speak any French at all, I found myself liberally inserting German words here and there. This reminded me of when I moved to Germany in 2000 and I inserted French words liberally.
here is a picture of Notre Dame I took:

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