This is a nice picture of a happy wife and a happy baby. This is a stark contrast to the picture I would have taken in our home yesterday around 6pm. That would have shown a screaming baby, and angry mummy and an angry daddy. The little man decided that rather than eat any food yesterday, he would just scream and throw it at us. I have no clue how the little energy ball can keep going when he does not eat any lunch OR any dinner. His whole meal plan was 1) cheerios 2) a Banana 3) some Yoghurt. Not nearly enough it would seem, to fuel the fireball of destruction named Liam.
Somehow he found the power to still rampage around the apartment, throwing and smashing as he saw fit. I hope that Claudia is having an easier time with him at home alone today.
Oh, they should start digging the hole for our house in the next day or two. So pictures from that excitement will follow.

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