Today I am full of anger, I took the car to have the oil changed, and when I picked it up, the gass gauge was broken. Then of course the car place denied having damaged it. It is not easy for me to argue with a mechanic in German, however it seems that the word "bullshit" is basically universal.
I am still waiting (5 hours now) for the phone call to tell me it is all fixed and working normally. This is the SECOND time this place has fixed something and damaged something else in the process. Needless to say it is the last time I will be getting anything fixed at AUTO TEILE UNGER (A.T.U.) I only go there because it is within walking distance of my office.

Was Morrissey playing there? That would have been genius.
"I still can not speak french. I am very lazy."
As for arguing with the mechanic in German, how do you say, "Punch in the groin".
Placebo was playing nearby, could have actually been here, but no Morrissey.
I will crack out the dictionary, but I am way pissed at ATU, they just called and again claimed it is broken and nothing to do with them.
watch the news the next days for stories of an international incident.
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