Liam has been nurturing an obsession with cars lately. He talks about race cars, DTM, Ferraris, and any others that come to mind daily. He often wakes me up by walking into the room and saying “good morning. The Bugatti Veyron is the fastest car, it can go 400kph”
So I thought I could fuel this new interest by taking him to the Meilenwerk. This is essentially a marketplace for specialty cars, vintage, exotic, collectors where they can show and sell them. It is in a handy location about 5km from my office and it turned out they were having their “summerfest” last weekend. So I packed Liam into our exotic VW up! and went off to look at Lamborghinis.
It is a pretty large building, much like a warehouse or airplane hanger. Inside there are two distinct areas, the first being one where very expensive cars are in big glass display cases, fronted with little signs describing the car details and asking price. I would say the majority of cars are high end sports cars, but there are more than a few old timers and Bentleys there as well. Liam was immediately blown away by seeing two real life Lamborghinis in front of him. I don’t think he really understood what they would look like in reality.

There was a whole room full of cars getting work done, here are a couple of Lamborghinis getting new wheels put on. I like that the garage work area is cleaner and more sterile looking than most hospitals or kitchens I have experienced.

Also in the Garage area was this Ferrari that Liam took a shine to. He asked me if I would ever consider getting one….

Then I showed him the price on this one. 299k Euro (370k Canadian) and explained to him that we could have this car, or 30 VW up! cars, one for every day of the month. He started to understand why Ferraris are not for everyone.

Based on that, he set his sights a little lower and found this one that we could rent. I think this is the same one that Magnum PI drove, but I could be mistaken. (I checked, Magnum drove a 308 GTS, this is its successor the 328)
“You can just borrow this one for some money papa! lets do that!”

Then I showed him that it costs 400 Euro per day (~500 Canadian) and again this was a little bit more money than I planned to spend. To put it in terms he can relate to, a weekend with this car is the same as a week long holiday for the whole family in Borkum. He thought about it and figured that a whole vacation was probably a better deal, especially since the Ferrari looked like “it was too small to put many suitcases in.”

Part 2 will follow….