Monday, July 30, 2012

The Fat Project–Day 14

So, it has been two weeks now since we began this exercise on July 17 and I think Mike and I can both be quite pleased with the results to date.  Despite both of us remaining in the technical definition of “overweight” we have made good progress towards being non-fatties.  Mike still leads with a total weight loss of 6 pounds, but I am creeping up with my total of 4.9 pounds.  I think neither of us have gone too crazy as far as starving or exercising too much, so overall it has been a positive experience.  There are 15 days remaining until Mike arrives in Germany and if we continue to progress at this pace, I will lose about 10 pounds and Mike 12.  I will be pretty satisfied if I can hit that mark and I think I will keep going after that.  In a perfect world, I would like to get down to 170 and a 32 inch waist, but that may be a little bit too aggressive.  Maybe by Christmas…

Today’s total weight loss is measured in pizza slices.


Mike is off camping, so the 199 pounds is there since his last weigh in on Saturday.  Given that Mike will be out in the great outdoors, I assume that he will be gorging himself on a steady stream of BBQ, chips and beer over four days and will be returning to tip the scales at some massive number.  I took the liberty of installing some spy cameras at the campsite unbeknownst to Mr. Starr and this is the latest image from his trip.

Boating Mike

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