Down to single digits now... the excitement is building along with the unending rain here. I will start doing my clear-weather-please-stop-raining-for-just-one-day-dance now.
Here is a brief tour of all the rooms in their vibrant colours:
First off is of course Liam's well documented room of blue plus bear heads. This choice was the easiest as it most closely resembles a room we have in our place today.

Next door to that we have the room which will start out as the office, but will later become a second children's room just in case we decide to have another devil-beast. Claudia wanted a colourful house, and yellow is the gender neutral colour of choice.

Next door we move to our bedroom, which is a purplish blue colour on the back wall, with the rest of the walls in white. It is the smallest bedroom, and it is on the north side of the house which does not get that much sun, so I wanted it as light a colour as possible to help make it feel a little bigger and lighter. A few people have asked why we decided to take the smallest bedroom, when the mummy and daddy would traditionally take the largest? Well, we thought that basically we only spend a few moments per day in our room, sleeping and getting dressed, wheras Liam will be in there playing with toys, and generally spending a lot more time. So we too a room to hold clothes and a bed, children get space and sunlight. The biggest room after the living-room is the office in the basement, where I think we will spend the most time (after the living room of course.

Now we go downstairs to the living room and we can see the famous RED WALL. This is the colour that started the whole phase of Claudia wanting a colourful house. She saw a red wall someplace and got it in her head that she wanted a bright red wall too. Well here it is, and is it ever red...

Just around the corner (It is all open) is the Kitchen. Now all the tiles are in and we just have to wait for the installation of the cupboards and counter top.

Well, that covers the living space. I will put up some photos of the nice tiles in the bathroom once they are all finished. I am sure you are on the edge of your seats.