Only 30 more days until we move, I can hardly believe that they have built the house so quickly! The ceiling is up now and most of the little cracks and gaps in the concrete have been sealed off.
First here is a pic of the upstairs bathroom. The tile laying dudes will start in the next day or two. This will be blue and white.
Finally, the giant heat pump has arrived and is installed. I am really hoping that it is not always going to be quite as loud as it is right now. I am going to attribute the high noise level to the fact that the openings to the ground are not sealed off yet and it is cranked up to full to help dry out the concrete. GIANT DUCT HOSE.
That thing is massive!
The house looks like it is coming together, Fraser. Is it in the country side or a suburb or something?
That furnace looks like it will heat your house with ruthless german efficiency.
it is in the village of Entringen
A metropolis of about 4000 just 5km down the road from my current village of 1000.
It is in the countryside, on the edge of the schoenbuch national park
It is near Tuebingen, home of the oldest University in Germany, maybe even Europe, not sure.
Anyway, I love the new area.
Is there anything to do in a place that small? Or at least can you drive/train/bus it to a City?
It has a train stop and a bus. So I can go directly to Tuebingen on the local train(subway) or I can change once and get into Stuttgart.
Everywhere is on German public transit.
As for things to do... We have a national park with hundreds of km of bike/hike paths, a massive playground for kids, a swimming pool and a castle with a beer garden all within walking distance of the front door.
Still sounds like nothing to do to me.
That furnace looks like a robot off the old Dr. Who.
HR? Who is this please?
how DARE you besmirch my glorious glorious Entringen.
OK, I admit it is the middle of nowhere, but I like the quite countryside. I have lived in the big city enough to know that I will take my trees and quiet.
Yes, there is a certain degree of verisimilitude about what you say Herr Anderson.
As Ralph Waldo Emerson succinctly put it, "Adopt the pace of Nature: her secret it patience"
Perhaps you should further embrace nature and raise some goats, or farm bees to make honey.
When you say you lived in the big city do you mean Orangeville or North York?
I have indeed lived in Orangeville, Toronto (North York) and Stuttgart.
The national park looks cool. Fraser, I didn't know you were so outdoorsy.
North York - haha, no wonder you hated "City Living" That's like living in Pickering.
Ric Bullard.
don't taunt me with Ric Bullard. I tried to look him up unsuccessfully. I SOOOOOO want to know what is going on with that guy.
North York is a part of Toronto... It certainly is a big city, just a crappy one.
Fraser, did you actually ever live down town or did you always live in the North York/University Campus area?
I never had my own place down town, But my significant other's did, and I spent some time down there.
North York is still a city, it is just a garbage one. I think it gave me enough of a horrible impression.
North York does suck.
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