There can be rain, hail, wind storms or plagues of locust, but the bus drivers here will not let you get on the bus at the station before it is time to go. They will sit there reading the paper, having a coffee, looking out the window at you freezing just a few steps away. I hate these guys so much I can taste it. I declare them my enemies.
I take every opportunity to disagree with bus drivers and make them do their damn job as a result. Often, I get on the bus in my village and just say the name of the stop that is my destination. What should then happen is that the driver tells me the fare, and I drop my money in the wee box. But as often as not, the driver will ask me "how many zones is that?" because they don't recognize the stop. I NEVER tell them, despite the fact I know the fare and number of zones, having ridden this way daily for years. I always make them look it up in their little book. I do this because I hate them.
Another time, a bus driver tried to make me take off my headphones. I refused, and his response was to point to a sign that had a picture of a red X over a CD walkman. He actually just pointed!!! First I said, "no problem, this is not a CD player, it is an iPod." which made him mad. I think he was most angry that his pointing was not effective and now he had to actually speak, explaining that it was for all headphones, and that the music annoyed other passengers. Now... I am on a bus at 7am in a village of 1200 people. The bus has me, the crazy monster lady, and a couple of high school kids... AND I am listening to a spoken work podcast with in-canal earphones. There is NO WAY anyone can hear what I am listening to. This rule was very obviously made to address the idiot teenies listening to base thumping garbage at 10,000 decibels, shaking the whole bus. But since it was written down somewhere, it was an official rule and one that must be followed by all good German Bus Drivers without exception. Anyway, I just said "no" and sat down with my 'phones. The bus driver glared at me from his little booth for a moment and then drove on. I won that round, only because his characteristic bus-driver laziness was too great pursue this confrontation further.
The 'no headphones' signs have all been removed since then, so I guess enough people like me complained. The transit system is often changing rules when they get challenged on how stupid they are. You used to have to pay extra to bring your bike on the subway, now that has changed. I think you still have to buy a ticket (reduced fare) for your dog though. I will check this tonight.
I'm glad you are not bitter...
Bitter? I would never be bitter. I am gracious and friendly and full of love for my fellow human.
Even a Bus Driver in Germany, the vile animals that they are.
You should write a manual on how to annoy transit workers.
I'm sure it could be applied to pretty much any city with a mass transit system.
I certainly don't want to annoy them unless they are idiots.
Then they are bringing it on themselves. I mean, come on, would it kill them to let me sit on the bus when it is raining?
I'd like ot hear more about the Crazy Monster Lady (or CML for short).
another time.
There are a group of three crazy monster ladies in my village. Like a sort of monster club.
Fraser, I would like to hear a rant about trash, or trash collection/attitudes in germany...some good disgracing of the gelbe sack or any other good trash stories always make my day.
--Reclining Ryan
I as a German have to say I am ashamed, that the bus driver tried to make you take out the headphones. Maybe we have to look positive at it. You are aging so well, he thought you are only 19 years old and still belong to the teenies. A train conducter asked me the other day, if I already was 18. I thought he was joking, as one can clearly see I am not 18. But in this case you could try to buy the cheaper student ticket in future!! Especially as the guy who is shown on the Verbotsschild clearly is a student!
But maybe the bus driver just really wanted an ipod himself, and could not stand that you had one! Jealousy!!!
You know, you remind me of Dwight from The Office (USA version) a lot in this post.
You are 11 kinds of awesome now :)
Congrats on the house! Sorry I didn't know you were in town, would have been nice to see you.
Hopefully next time?!!
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