Monday, February 05, 2007

Found Something else to Eat - 32 Days until move

One of the challenges with Liam is getting him to eat anything different. He is now almost 20 months old, and he is still eating the 12-month jars. He will not try the 18-month jars, he won't eat any normal human food. The big problem of this is that the 12 month jars don't really have enough in them and he is still hungry after lunch. He will fill up on the other things he will eat, apples, bananas, and yogurt.

It seems like a big victory when we find something else he will eat, sadly each new discovery seems to be junk food. He loves cookies, cake, chips, pizza... and now Tacos. We had taco night and he was very curious to see what mummy and daddy were eating. So we gave him a tortilla and he was crazy for it. So now we can add one more food to the menu.

I think I can probably teach him to say Taco without to much trouble too, it is a nice short word and he knows all the sounds for that one.


Anonymous said...

I think Dempsters makes soft tacos.

Perhaps Mike Ponter can ship you a case.

Fraser Anderson said...

Everyone should send me free stuff.

I have a great need for free stuff.

What with all the house bills, I have no idea when I will be able to once again invest in the important things like consumer electronic devices.

Anonymous said...

As long you have a place for your tv and computer, life will be good.

Fraser Anderson said...

there is space a plenty, but I want a NEW tv and computer.

Actually, I still don't really like the current generation of flat TVs enough to spend the $$ for them.

I will probably wait at least a year to get my big TV. I don't want to buy one today and regret it next summer.

Debbie said...

He is a kid, why does he have a choice? If he gets hungy enough, he'll eat anything you give him.

Fraser Anderson said...

Clearly spoken as one who has not had to deal with a picky eating baby.

A hungry angry baby is almost as bad as a hungry angry baby with food he won't touch in front of him.

I find the best path forward is to find food he likes and give it to him. Once he is old enough to talk and understand, there will be a whole different world of rules.

Debbie said...

Whatever. You are giving in to a two-year-old. Do you seriously think the kid is going to starve?
He may not be able to make his own taco, but he knows he can make his parents bring him tacos. When he is old enough to talk he will say "I'm not eating that, get me a taco." you can't blame the kid tacos are delicious.

You have been outsmarted by your toddler. All hail Liam.

Anonymous said...

Fraser, we need a post about your WoW experience.