Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A good video - 17 Days until Move

I was just listening to my glorious iPod on the way into work this morning, when I was thinking a bit about music videos. I watch MTV fairly often and I notice that they hardly show videos anymore, it is all MTV shows now with the occasional Britney Spears crap thrown in when the show is not quite 30 minutes long.

Anyway, I was thinking that I had not ever seen a lot of videos for my favorite songs, so I decided to go onto You Tube and type in a few band names and titles to see what was there. First song I typed in is the last thing I was listening to as I reached the office today: The Bluetones "Slight Return." First of all, the song is pure genius, but the video is pretty darn good too. I especially like the singer's slick dance moves in the school at the very beginning.

It seems that You Tube is a far better source for music videos than MTV. Pretty much every song I cared to look up was on there and it was all on demand, no waiting for commercials or for the silly TV hosts to talk a bunch of garbage.

So here is the bluetones video, I recommend it highly. A fine band that I very much used to enjoy.

And as a special treat, here is a video of Liam dancing along to Spongebob on TV. I know the quality is horrible, but it was the best I could do on a second's notice. Much like Gord Smith, he bursts into dance without warning and I was lucky to capture this.


Anonymous said...

Gord will always be the dance king.

Fraser Anderson said...

I will teach him to stir the pot in a few years.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I still have my world championship belt from the Phoenix, circa 1996


Fraser Anderson said...

Well, I am not sure about world Champion...

Did you ever surpass Robert at the dance cave?

Anonymous said...

Gasp..........that is sacrillege. NO one could touch Robert.