What makes the whole thing even worse is the typical German customer service. Phone calls are not returned, reasons for delays are not given. We have made it abundantly clear that we MUST move in on March 10, so there better be some real action in the next days.
I don't have anything else to say today, so here are some neighbourhood chickens:

bock bock bock
I'll take a picture of one of my neighbours for you to post. It will be between:
1. the guy who stands in the rain pointing bike handle bars at cars.
2. The guy from the half-way house who wears a woman's jacket that is 3 sizes too small.
3. A "woman of the evening".
Decisions, decisions.
I took a picture of a crazy person on the train platform the other day.
It is an old woman who carries around a doll that is dressed the same as her. She has hair like a wild person and she rides the train back and forth all day talking to the doll.
I may post this crazy person, but I thought it might be cruel laughing at loonies.
I'm suddenly in the mood for chicken salad.
I am going to take some pictures of Dave.
Everytime I visit Canada, I increase my library of Dave photos.
And pictures of Mike Ponter hugging Dave.
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