Ok, since Mike asked for it, here is the Festival of Dave I apologize in advance to anyone reading this who does not know or really care who Dave is. Though I cannot possibly imagine anyone who would not want to know more and see more of Dave.
Dave Crawford, a man, a legend. Renowned in his days at York U for having the sweetest AV setup ever in 1993 or so... years ahead of his time when it came to squeezing a ridiculous home theatre into a very very small room.
My first memory of Dave is when he had a big fight with his new roommate (also named Dave) because on two consecutive nights, Dave2 drank all of Dave's Tang.
Here is Dave from that very year:

Dave also dressed up from time to time and pulled monkey faces:

Dave was also popular with the ladies:

Then Dave met Ponter and Ponter's insane obsession. look at the number of Ponter hugging Dave photos that exist...

And finally, once when we ate out, we pretended it was Dave's birthday so they brought him cake, and Ponter fed it to him.

Oh, and here is Dave as he appears today:
Hahahahahahaha. That is a great montage. I am content.
Oh there are some bad photos there.
I think, to be fair, you should do an hommage to your other friends.
I don't think I have a volume of photos like that of anyone else.
I will have to flip through the old archives.
I am sure I have some pictures of Ponter with much longer hair anyway.
"Now show 'er the picture of Charlie when he sh^t his pants at Niagara Falls."
Couldn't help the "So I Married and Axe Murderer" reference.
I have a few choice pics from Owen Sound I could send you.........
This is hilarious. Ah Dave.
Sometimes when the girls and I are hanging out, we tell Dave stories.
I think that everyone who has ever met dave saves all their stories up for a rainy day.
I dearly wish that I had a digital camera along back in the days of Nopper's bachelor at Nigara Falls. Dave the designated driver's face and all its looks of shame are still in my head. If only I could share them with the world...
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