Since I could not think of anything sensible that she would actually want or need, I decided to get her a gift that would fall into the "bunch of strange crap" category.
Someplace, sometime, I remembered seeing one of these clocks that looked like Felix the cat, with a tail for the pendulum and eyes that looked back and forth on every tick. With that in mind, and the glory of the internet, it did not take long to find out that they still make them. I had no idea if my sister ever wanted one of these or even thought it would be interesting, but I did not care! It was an unusual gift and certainly one that would be remembered in years to come. Even if she thought it was the worst thing ever, she would have the story to tell people about the horrible clock I gave her for Christmas.
Now my sister is the proud owner of a spooky clock, constantly looking around the room. I know at the very least that my nephew Adam thinks it is cool, so I know I have the ability to amuse a four year old.
I think I like the idea of giving gifts that are either really great or really crap. I have given lots of gifts over the years that fall into that grey area in the middle, and there is certainly a place to enjoy things like a decent book or DVD... But I think I would rather give gifts that are remembered, even if they are remembered as being the most horrible thing ever.
Oh, as an aside, I think this is an AWESOME clock.

I want one. Please provide the link.
I wonder if they make Palladin clocks ?
Gord, do you miss little Renton?
yes, but not as much as i miss you.....
I want a clock with Dave's face on it. So his is the first face I see when I wake up in the morning.
you guys are very very strange.
Dave, I am not sure how you put up with all of this.
You should attack them with your +1 sword of smiting.
Fraser, since these guys are your friends, don't you think you always had the ability to amuse four-year-olds?
Be nice.
I have never seen a four year old impersonate a Dalek.
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