Friday, January 19, 2007

Windy Day

Apparently we had winds of 120kph up to 200kph yesterday. Did not look all that horrible to me, just seemed a bit breezy. Apparently there were even some deaths related to this windy storm. The trains stopped running at 6pm and most flights around Germany were grounded. There was even email at work telling people to go home if they wanted.

Lucky for me, I was working from home anyway. I thought it would be fun to try out time lapse photography and make a little clip of the wind blowing the clouds quickly past our window.

This was one photo every 8 seconds, look at those clouds move!


Anonymous said...

I saw a cow go by

Fraser Anderson said...

the temporary door of our house blew off...

Anonymous said...

If that was time lapsed, then it looks like the winds were a blowing.

What was the time lapse between shots?

Anonymous said...

Never mind...I just re-read at 8 seconds.

Anonymous said...

Dave - I want to time lapse shoot you playing WoW.

Anonymous said...

Oh wait, I did find a clip of what goes on with World of Warcraft at Dave's place on the weekends.

Anonymous said...

Fraser it must have been windy..check out this news story.

Fraser Anderson said...

47 dead?

wow, I heard it was bad, but it really looked fine here. I was outside for a few minutes and it did not seem deadly.

must have gotten off easy here.

Anonymous said...

WIMP storms! only Oklahomans understand wind storms. i once watched 5 tornados from the backyard of my grandmas house...

--Reclining Ryan