He is a bit of a funny dude when it comes to eating. He will randomly refuse things, even if it is stuff he really likes. He will eat spaghetti bolognese out of a baby food jar no problem, but if we make a nice pasta for the grown ups, he will not even look at it. He won't even eat an uncooked noodle. Last time we tried that he swung it around his head like a lasso.
One food he will never ever turn down is ice cream. He knew instinctively that this was the food for him. I remember the first time he ate it. We were out for a walk in Herrenberg and stopped at one of the many ice cream cafes for treat. Liam was not really even on solid food at this point, but as soon as Claudia took the first bite, he was going mental trying to get out of his pram to get some himself.
Maybe the ice cream makers add some sort of hyper baby attracting chemicals into their products. Ponter works in the food industry, so maybe he can let us in on a secret? If there is such a thing, maybe I can find a way to put it in photo paper. Chemical addiction is a great way to boost sales from what I hear.
What is it with kids and junk food? My niece, who is 2, can sense if there is chocolate somewhere in the house.
hmmmmm.....ice cream.
What are Liam's favourite flavors?
hey anonymous, sign your name so I know who says what...
as for Liam's favorite flavours, at the moment his favorite is "within reach"
Do you really thing the food industry big wigs would trust Ponter with any secrets about anything? Come on now.
big wigs?
I think Ponter would start and fund his own research program and then add it into the bread/jello/shreddies himself.
dave - what's with that US spelling of Flavour son?
Yipes, I never even noticed that dave had used the US spelling.
Since I work at a big american company and I have to maintain data hierarchies that are used worldwide, I am forced to use US spelling of "Color" all the time. It makes me mad every time I type it.
I know there are a few americans reading this, sorry, but I hate your spelling. It is like a whole nation of people moved away, started spelling wrong, and when enough of them got the same incorrect spelling, they called it a dialect.
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