Anyway, I thought it looked spooky and I had my camera in my pocket, so I took a picture out of the car window while I was sitting at a traffic light.

I don't really have much else to say today.... so here is a picture of me from around 1976 or so dressed as Humpty Dumpty. Enjoy the beautiful styles and colours of 1970s Orangeville. Note the sweet looking carpet, and the green and black glass bowl on the side table behind me.
In fact, I know that my mother still has this table. It has been the hall table of the Anderson Family for at LEAST 30 years now. I believe that one drawer handle broke around 1985 or so, and has been repaired numerous times over the years.
I think that my Mum (assuming it was her) made a fine choice of costume for me here too. I remember those fine Hallowe'ens of old, when we all put on our ultra-flammable plastic jumpsuits printed with spacemen and monsters...

That is a scary looking costume. You look like the child of some clown-dressing serial killer from a B horror movie.
BTW, I do have trouble seeing some of pics on the right side (usually the board games).
Yeah, I think it is blogger's image server having some trouble.
Maybe I will pull the board game and other widgets. Probably not too exciting for most people.
That costume scares the crap out of me. But not as much as that carpet and curtains.
With home decor like that it is no wonder we all grew up a little off in the squash.
Speak for yourself, Ponter.
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