One of Liam's Christmas toys was a "Hammerbank" this is a little bench with wooden pegs in it that you hammer on. My first thought was of course why would you give a 1 year old a hammer? Everything in our house will become a hammer target! He will learn at this young age the joys of the "Path of Destruction."
Note the speed blur on his arm as he pounds away with great enthusiasm:

My worries are so far for nothing. So far Liam has not smashed anything around the house with his new hammer. From time to time we have to stop him from hitting things he should not, but generally he restricts the pounding to the pegs. He actually plays more often without the hammer, just pulling out the pegs with this hands, then throwing them at me and laughing.
The "throw stuff at daddy" game is one of his favorites.
All that hammering is thirsty work:

The other day, there was a comment that I did not look happy in the mountie photo... Well, I think this is probably because I was bored. As I recall, we were at the "musical ride" and that was really for my sister's benefit. She was the horse fanatic, not me. Once I had seen about ten minutes of the horses and the mountie costumes, I had enough. I likely wanted to get back to comic books and star wars toys.
good old path of destruction.
That kid is freaking adorable.
oh yeah.
Just wait until I put up his snow suit photos...
Should I send you my snow suit photos from last weekend?
Ponter I think I speak on behalf of everyone I know.
Yes please
You're lucky. Julian uses his toy hammer to pound at everything in the house, except for the toy it's meant for.
When I first saw that photo, I was thinking "You're VERY BRAVE or NUTS to be putting that toy on top of your GLASS coffee table!!"
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